The Katalyst

Wow. I just wrapped up a discussion with Kevin Carroll…author of “Rules of the Red Rubber Ball”. First of all, if you haven’t read this book, go get it. KC is an amazing dude.

We met in Spring 2006 while I was an engineer at Procter & Gamble. My friend, Nancy, recommended that I hear him speak. Turns out, he used to work at Nike and at that moment, I was actually in the process of trying to get a job at Nike. Once he wrapped up his presentation, I went up to him. The dialogue went something like this:

Kyle: Hi, I’m Kyle. I’m a process development engineer in Baby Care (Pampers).
KC: Oh, cool. That’s great!
Kyle: Not really. I loathe my job but I know what I wanna do. I wanna work at Nike.

KC and I then proceeded to have a chat. He gave me his card, and a week later I sent him an email. I had already planned a trip to Portland to meet some folks from the swoosh (on my own dime), and KC was kind enough to put me in touch with some key folks around campus. The rest is history. Key folks put Kyle in touch with other key folks. Other key folks call Kyle. A month later Kyle lands a dream job at Nike. Game. Set. Match.

During our conversation today, he said multiple times that “there’s no such thing as coincidence”. I believe him. When we first met, he recommended “The Alchemist”. This year I finally read it. I gave it to Sooch. She read it. Needless to say, but also go out and read “The Alchemist” if you already haven’t…one of its many themes is about that very thing: “there’s no such thing as coincidence”.

So what does this have to do with 141?

Well since our discussion, I keep thinking about that…”there’s no such thing as coincidence”. It got me thinking about how Sooch and I met (at the optometry boutique where she works while I was picking up my glasses!). It got me thinking about our first 141 Eyewear Clinic in Taiwan and the support we received from Dr. Wu. Finally, it got me thinking of all the people who have received glasses. Is it a coincidence that these kids now have the ability to see clearly? How will clear vision help these kids in school…or better yet, how will it help them in their lives?

In addition, KC is known as “The Katalyst”. During our conversation, he mentioned numerous times that so-and-so was the Katalyst for him to get his book deal. Or that so-and-so was the Katalyst for him to meet his wife. That got me thinking about 141 and how we are Katalysts. And what I mean by “we” is “the 141 Community”. Our consumers are Katalysts. Their purchase enables us to give a new pair of glasses away to a person in need. Really…isn’t that being a Katalyst in its truest form?

Anyways, I was just so energized after our conversation, that I had to come home and write a blog about it. Good stuff…

Oh, right after we met…it turns out that KC went to The Eye Studio and picked up a pair of Lovejoy in Wine. Thanks to his purchase, we will give a new pair of prescription glasses to a person in need.

He’s obviously called The Katalyst for a reason…

Another thing…

I have 4 copies of “Rules of the Red Rubber Ball”. I’ll mail a copy to the first 4 people to leave a comment about how they believe 141 could be a Katalyst for those in the community (ideas are not limited to glasses, people!). Let us know what you think!

Stay Glassy,

This entry was posted in Community.

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